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Women in History: Roxanne Conlin

Roxanne Conlin, a trial lawyer, in Des Moines has an impressive history.

DES MOINES, Iowa — Here at Local 5, we are spotlighting women in history. Roxanne Conlin, a trial lawyer, in Des Moines has an impressive history. She served as an assistant attorney general for Iowa from 1969 to 1976.

She then led the civil rights section of the Iowa Department of Justice and was the first female president of the Association of Trial Lawyers of America.

Handpicked by President Jimmy Carter, she served as a U.S. Attorney. 

"I loved that job! It's the greatest job in the world for a trial lawyer. And that's what I am," said Conlin. "I had a remarkable experience and was very reluctant to leave that position when Ronald Regan became the President."

Conlin was apart of major class action lawsuits on behalf of Iowa consumers, including an anti-trust case against Microsoft in the early 2000's.

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